Cooling Tower Dosing Systems

Servicing & Assessments
Our Melbourne branch of CWC offers a range of servicing options over and above that offered by your chemical supplier or water treatment service companies. We also offer services for water treatment service companies over and above what is usually performed by their technicians.
We focus on the condition of controllers and instruments, probes (pH, ORP & conductivity), dosing pumps and all associated plumbing, system design and layout issues as well as preventative maintenance programs.
In Melbourne and surrounds, we can also offer service contracts that include regular service and assessments and detailed reports on the condition of the system plus any recommendations on components that are at risk of failure.

We offer specialist cooling tower installation services from basic installations to more complex systems including re-circulation pumps and Brominator systems.
Our Melbourne branch of CWC has a team dedicated to providing this service. In Sydney and Brisbane, this service is provided by 3rd party companies familiar with our equipment and the installation and commissioning thereof.